
Pinterest and Me – A New Beginning



I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Pinterest and how much I like it. I’ve decided to add something fun and new to blog about. Using a “pin” on my Pinterest board and actually blogging about it.

A little background about Pinterest and I. Several years ago my friend, Lisa, sent me a message and told me that I should check out her boards on Pinterest and join myself. I looked it up and, knowing how addicted I can become with catalogs and magazines, I decided against it. Then about a year ago my Bestie, Tracey, brought it to my attention again. Oh boy! So, I thought about it. Long and hard. It took me several months, but then I did it. I joined! Oh boy, the madness had begun. LOL!!

I used to keep all kinds of catalogs and magazines around, turn the pages so they stuck out the top, so I could go back and see what it was that I wanted, or to remember that idea. When I was younger I used to even tear out the pages to keep in idea files that would forever get lost and forgotten about. Needless to say, I am a giant out-of-sight-out-of-mind person. If I can’t see it then it will most likely ALWAYS get forgotten about. This is just how my brain works. I am very, very visual in many ways.

I see Pinterest as a huge magazine, catalog and reference site. I just love it!!! I can’t throw it away like I have done with my catalogs and magazines that come in the mail. Yes, I actually have the recycle can right next to me now when I am going through the mail. I just toss it is and don’t have any more huge piles. It is my method to the madness. That is why I came up with this. At least I will be showing how I have been using some of my pins that I have on all my crazy boards.

Please keep a look out for the future posts… “Pinterest and Me”. 🙂



Weight Update…

Starting Weight with Weight Watchers:  185

Highest Weight:  189

Weight Today:  171.3

Total WW Loss:  13.7

Total Loss Overall:  17.7

To Goal:  36.3

Since December 2011 I have done… 1 12k, 1 5k and 3 5k mud runs.  I walk most of the way, but get it done.  I have a blast with my friends and my family has joined in too!

I started the 100 push-up program again last week.  Started second week last night! Woo hoo!!  Now if I can just stick to it.

My weight-loss progress has been slow since January, but I am still tooling along. Still losing is what is important.

Last week I was pretty frustrated, but I used that energy and am moving forward this week.  One foot in front of the other!

I am only down .1 this week from last Sunday’s weigh-in and that can change at any moment.  Last week killed me. Salt, sodium and fried fatty foods are not my friends. I am sure glad that I don’t eat them that often, but last week I let them get to me and it pissed me off! Especially when I was at an all time low. Such an idiot!

Today is going to be a great day!  🙂


Shrink Yo’Self – True Confessions Tuesday

I was asked to talk about the positive things I did this week, but I feel need to talk about what I know I have slacked on and want to own up to it.

First off I have missed blogging on the past 2 True Confessions. Go figure my days getting away from me and the next thing I know it is Wednesday, or Thursday. Who the hell knows what I am doing, but it is obviously something and not blogging like I should be.

Second, I was a bad, bad girl this week. I haven’t been drinking alcohol very much and this week I had a craving for Guinness BAD. This past Wednesday I had 1.  Friday I had 4.  Saturday I went to a birthday dinner and party and didn’t drink beer, but did have plenty of other things.  Sunday I drank 2 Snake Bites. Half Guinness and half Cider.  Last night I had one too.  Today I will have nothing, but water and the same for the rest of the week.  Well, at least I will try as of this moment.  Can you imagine what those calories did to me? I counted most of them, logged them, then by the time Saturday came around I didn’t log for the birthday party. Ug. Yep.  I was up 1.4 at my weigh-in on Sunday. Such an idiot!  My scale and the WW scale are never the same.  This morning my scale said 176.  BAD!!!  I am working hard to get back down by this next Sunday.  I want the 1.4 gone, plus a little more.  It is such a pity how fast it comes back on and how slowly it is to get it off.  Just sucks really!  I wasn’t even really that bad with my eating except for Sunday. Oh well. I own it.  Time to move on!

Starting Weight:  185

Highest Weight:  189

Weight Today:  176.0

Total WW Loss:  9.0

Total Loss Overall: 13.0

To Goal:  41.0

On a good note I have two of my Boys that started Tutoring this past week and it is going fantastic.  They come home with happy faces. Their self-esteem and reading/writing are moving forward. The Wilkins Learning Center in Gilbert has the most amazing people ever!

I finally hired a new housekeeper and she starts tomorrow. With a crew of 5 others!  How fantastic is that!  I haven’t had anyone helping me with the house for over a year. I know this may sound petty, but for me it is a life saver.  I have gone though a pretty hard year and a half personally and just the little things like this make me feel so much better.  I am a bit ashamed about the way my house looks now, others would disagree, but this is a step in the right direction for myself. A clean house makes for a happy Kathleen.

I started yesterday off by going on the treadmill not once, but twice, throughout my day.  I was in a weird bored mood and it really helped.  I can’t wait to get back on it today!

Today I am starting the 100 Push-ups program.  I have tried it before, but never finished. I have a good friend that started a few days ago, so I am going to try to catch up to her. I find that having someone to do something with really, really helps. Wish me luck!  Push-up can be damn hard.  LOL!

Today I am cooking Miso Soup for my Boys.  They love it when I make it for them. Pretty healthy and low points too. I am also going to make a vegetable soup today for the crock pot to have for whenever we want a snack. My oldest especially loves soup.  Soup and salad, how can you go wrong!

I closed down my Mom’s Making Time for Mom’s MeetUp group this past Sunday. It was time.  I have had it going since, well, I can’t remember… either February 2008, or 2009.  I just feel like it was the right time and the right thing to do.  I am going to look into maybe joining some other groups on my own and take it from there.  Life is an adventure right?!

I am going to be doing the Color Run here in Tempe this weekend with my family and a friend.  I can’t wait!  It just looks so fun and exciting for us all and such a great cause!

I also signed my Husband and I up for the Skirt Chaser 5k. Looks like a blast as well. I joined with a few friends and also found out at the birthday dinner I was at the other night that a bunch of those girls will be there too. Woo hoo!  Something fun and healthy to look forward too.  🙂



A Post A Day/Week #44 ~ What Would You Tell Yourself 10 Years Ago?

If you could go back in time and have a 5 minute conversation with yourself ten years ago, what would you say?

I would have told myself to be careful with your weight.  5, 10 pounds… fine!  But!  Don’t let it get out of hand.  Care more about yourself to keep it off.  It will get harder when you are older.  Not just because you ARE older, but because of the things that come along with the changes of being older.  We slow down physically by working more, in my case it was sitting at a desk.  Having children can change hormones.  Creeping up in age our hormones change too.  There is NO getting past it.  Care now, make good choices, make and keep healthy habits. Have a regular routine.  By doing this it won’t be so hard trying to learn one later in life.  Just stay active and care about those extra pounds and just don’t ignore them.  Just do it!  🙂


In My Skin

Why is it always tomorrow?  I need to get back on track for ME!  I am going to make some Vegetable Soup.  Eat my fruits and veggies.  Get my ass on the bike.  Put my tennies on and take a walk.  Do my Yoga. Do my sit-ups and push-ups. Lay in the sun. Read another book.  Take my Juice Plus. Get my BodyBugg fixed. Log my food. Use my Kinect.  Use my KettleBell. Get out of my funk once and for all.  RIGHT!!!  I say it now, but can I do it is the question?  I need a fucking beach to walk on!  🙂


It’s A New Day In My Skin – Day 7

Weight:  182

Size:  14

Weight Lost : 5 (up 1 from yesterday)

Exercise:  130 Sit-Ups & 50 Push-Ups

I did the Initial Tests last night for the one hundred push ups and also the two hundred sit-ups Programs.  I was able to do 13 push-ups and 70 sit-ups.  The push-us were harder for me, but the sit-ups usually come pretty easily.  After testing myself the program showed me where to start.  At Week 1 – Day 1 – Column 3 for Push-Ups and Week 3 – Day 1 – Column 3 for Sit-Ups.  Today I did both of those as follows:

Push-Up’s Week 1 – Day 1

Set 1:  10

Set 2:  12

Set 3:  12

Set 4:  7

Set 5:  9

50 Total.  Each with 60 seconds of rest in between.  I did pretty good.  I will be interested to see if I am sore tomorrow.

Sit-Ups Week 3 – Day 1 (Kind of confusing since it is really Week 1 – Day 1)

Set 1: 21

Set 2: 27

Set 3: 21

Set 4: 21

Set 5: 40

130 Total

I will be doing this 3 times a week until I complete the program.  I like exercises that I can do at home, so it is pretty cool.  It is also very cool that I have a good friend, even though across the US from me, is doing it too.  Thanks Helina for all your support! Love you girl!  🙂
