30 Days – Day 5

Day 5 – Your Dreams

I think of this topic 2 completely different ways.  The dreams I have when I sleep and the dreams I have for the future.

The dreams I have when I sleep are mine all mine!  LOL!  I share them from time-to-time, but don’t always remember them after waking.  I used to keep a dream journal, but don’t even know where it is these days.  Once in a while I will jot a dream down in my journal, but I haven’t even really been writing in that lately.  I know, I suck.  Writing is so therapeutic for me.  Why I don’t do it I will never know.  It just comes in spurts.

The dreams I have for my future are pretty easy.   I dream of being back in California.  Preferable the Bay Area and living on the coast.  I would be happy with anywhere close to my Family again though.

I dream of living in a new home with my family and having gatherings and parties all the time.  Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, BBQ’s, game nights, cocktails by the pool, sleep overs in the tree house with my Boys, Birthday parties, surprise parties, parties for just no reason.  Just fun, just hanging out, just being driving distance to see everyone.  I have 5 generations of family that I miss in California.  5 Generations that I can’t wait to hold a big Family Reunion for.

I want to live in a home in California where my Children are going to grow up and make wonderful friendships.  Play up and down the street.  Walk to school.  Have friends ringing the doorbell everyday.  Even going to school with another one of their relatives.  That would be even more amazing.

I want my Children to know their family… their Aunts, Uncles, Cousins.  I want them to see them more than once a year.  I want them to have what I did.  I don’t think that is too tall of a dream.

That is my dream… California.  🙂


2 thoughts on “30 Days – Day 5

  1. Haha…this describes my life growing up to a “T” – “I want to live in a home in California where my Children are going to grow up and make wonderful friendships. Play up and down the street. Walk to school. Have friends ringing the doorbell everyday. Even going to school with another one of their relatives.” And it WAS amazing!

    I came to SoCal when I was 9 and we lived in the same block w/a horde of my relatives & cousins (my mom had 8 brothers & sisters and most of them and their family were there). I had cousins in every grade level in my school…my cousins lived next door, across the street, down the block…they were everywhere! My parents still live about a mile away from where we grew up and my aunt, uncle & cousins live across the street from them and my grandparents live about a 1/2 mile away (next to my other aunt, uncle & cousins).

    But sometimes such closeness comes at a price…I felt very stiffled & controlled and thus moved here w/my son 4 years ago…to get some breathing room and spread our wings and be our own people.

    • Wonderful that you had that in your life, you are so lucky, as was I. The difference is that my family are still my best friends. I can’t stand being so far away from them. We go for the summer and spend a month and I love every minute of it. On the other had, I know so many people that can’t live near their family for the same reason you speak of. I say good for you for living YOUR life! 🙂

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